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Starting a frozen food business

Starting a frozen food business is fairly simple and can be done with very little overhead. However, it will take some planning, as several different kinds of frozen food business models are in the marketplace. This article will help you choose one that suits you and develop a delivery method and a marketing plan so you earn a solid reputation that, in turn, will result in residual income for you in the future.

Things You'll Need

    Business plan
    Proper equipment


1. Choose your products. Virtually thousands of foods are sold frozen. From pizzas to pickles, the gambit is being covered by many. This means you will likely never be all things to all people. However, it also means opportunities to specialize are ample. Choose products that are simple to obtain and market at first. Look for wholesalers that sell unique products that are not currently available in your area.

2. Write a business plan. Your business plan should be written around your product or products and how you plan to market them. It should include studies of the frozen food business in your area, your intended marketing plan, a budget, a list of equipment you will need to operate your business and your niche.
3. Choose a delivery method. Selling frozen foods often involves several delivery systems. You may decide to market your products online and deliver them, pedal your foods to businesses and homes face to face or open a store. You may also have an idea that's completely unique. It's up to you.
4.Raise capital. You will need some cash to start, especially if you plan to buy a delivery truck and kitchen equipment or lease a storefront.

5. Find storage space. It is important to keep an ample inventory on hand at all times. In the beginning, this may involve you buying a deep freezer or two.       

6. Get a food license. To sell food in almost all areas of the country, you must have a food-distribution license and/or a license to prepare food for sale.
7. Consider a franchise. Many companies with proven business models are looking for franchisees. Although this type of model will likely require a sizable capital investment, it's a good option if you wish to bypass the process of building a business from the ground up.

Some frozen food wholesalers are always looking for independent contractors to market their products. This type of arrangement may work well for you, in that you won't be required to get a license, find a kitchen or storage space, or cross market with other businesses.