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How to make Profit Processing Tomatoes in Nigeria

Tomato is regarded as a fruit in some quarters and as vegetable in others but which ever way you look at it, tomato is a highly nutritious food ingredient used in the preparation of many food. Tomato is virtually used by every tribe in Nigeria.

In time part in Nigeria, tomatoes grown in the south west had great dominance over all other varieties in the market but as the economy of the country expanded and the market for the globe looking type of tomato grown in the northern part of the country becoming too small as a result of low consumption rate, the variety stated gaining dominance in the southern market. Over time, this variety has dominated the market in Nigeria.


For a nation that wants to develop, it most focuses on area where it has comparative advantage and surely Nigeria does has a comparative advantage in the agricultural sector especially in tomatoes production and processing.

Nigeria produces about MT of tomato per year but over 50% of these value is lost majorly through poor storage system and bad road network thereby leading to lack of availability of the product during certain period of the year and also making it expensive.

The above loophole makes tomato processing a viable business in Nigeria. The demand for tomato and its bye-product far outweighs the supply.

With a population of over 140 million people and an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum ,an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five {5} years, Nigeria has a large market for processed tomato product . Also the investor can also take advantage of the trade liberalization in the West African {ECOWAS} market to sale there product.

In Europe and America, tomatoes are either presented fresh in supermarkets or packed in tins for consumers. The packaged tomatoes are used in the export market and Nigeria is one of the countries involved in its importation which also speaks of our consumption rate.

However, since tin tomatoes do not come in large packs, it cannot meet the needs of large size market consumers like those used for weddings, restaurants, parties, hotel and this market is very huge in Nigeria.


Tomatoes milling plant could be operated on a small, medium or large scale depending on the availability of the raw material and the investor’s financial capability.


The major raw material needed in tomatoes and it can be sourced mainly from the northern part of the country in the following states Sokoto, Gombe, Yobe, Kano, Kaduna ,Benue e.t.c.

For large scale p