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How to make Money from Stove Thread Production

Stove thread needs no introduction because over 100,000,000 families and 50,000,000 restaurants/caterers cook their daily meals with kerosene stove which uses thread as a conductor.

However, what seems to be little known is the huge profit derivable from the production of stove thread. Stove thread is made from the combination of cotton and polyester yarns in different texture and thickness all sourced locally.

The machine used in the production of stove thread is also sourced locally and come in two capacities. The first machine goes for N70,000 and produces between 100-200 dozens of thread in 24 hours while the second machine goes for N90,000 and produces 200 plus dozens of thread in 24 hours.

The machine can be ruined by one person, requires little space and does not require generator or power supply to operate. The profit derivable from the business depends on the capacity of the machine in use and the length of the thread produced.

Below is the cost and profit analysis of the different length

Smallest length {a dozen}
Production cost =N15,selling price =N35
Medium length {a dozen} production cost =N20,selling price =N50
Longest length {a dozen} production cost = N30,selling price = N70

There also exist opportunities for the production of customized stove thread for restaurants /caterers that uses special stoves. The demand for stove thread in Nigeria always surpasses the supply because less number of people know about the huge profit to be made from the business .

The product is also in hot demand in Chad, Nigeria republic and other west African countries. The market is further deepened by the fact that it can be used to reduce global warming by reducing deforestation.

This business is suitable for graduates, retirees, house wives, stove thread retailers and everybody looking for alternative source of income. It is important to both government and private institutions that are into poverty reduction schemes.

Micro-finace banks can also benefit from this seminar by training and establishing the business for there customers/clients. Churches and Non-government organization {NGO} would also benefit. We undertake special one –day intensive training covering both the theoretical and practical aspect of the business for institution/organization like Microfinance banks, NGO’S, Churches etc.

The minimum number of participant is 30 and the seminar fee is N7500 per participant. We can offer discount if more participants are registered . For training outside Lagos, the clients would have to take care of the venue, accommodation, transportation and welfare.

The seminar would cover the following areas

1. Introduction to the business of stove thread production.
2. Investment opportunity in the buying and selling of yarns
3. Market analysis of stove thread in Nigeria and the West African countries
4. Raw materials sourcing and price
5. Practical session.

Some of the advantages of establishing the business is

1. Low start-up cost
2. Requires no generator
3. Less labour requirement
4. Less space requirement
5. The product has a ready market
6. Local availability of raw material and plant

How to make Profit Processing Tomatoes in Nigeria

Tomato is regarded as a fruit in some quarters and as vegetable in others but which ever way you look at it, tomato is a highly nutritious food ingredient used in the preparation of many food. Tomato is virtually used by every tribe in Nigeria.

In time part in Nigeria, tomatoes grown in the south west had great dominance over all other varieties in the market but as the economy of the country expanded and the market for the globe looking type of tomato grown in the northern part of the country becoming too small as a result of low consumption rate, the variety stated gaining dominance in the southern market. Over time, this variety has dominated the market in Nigeria.


For a nation that wants to develop, it most focuses on area where it has comparative advantage and surely Nigeria does has a comparative advantage in the agricultural sector especially in tomatoes production and processing.

Nigeria produces about MT of tomato per year but over 50% of these value is lost majorly through poor storage system and bad road network thereby leading to lack of availability of the product during certain period of the year and also making it expensive.

The above loophole makes tomato processing a viable business in Nigeria. The demand for tomato and its bye-product far outweighs the supply.

With a population of over 140 million people and an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum ,an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five {5} years, Nigeria has a large market for processed tomato product . Also the investor can also take advantage of the trade liberalization in the West African {ECOWAS} market to sale there product.

In Europe and America, tomatoes are either presented fresh in supermarkets or packed in tins for consumers. The packaged tomatoes are used in the export market and Nigeria is one of the countries involved in its importation which also speaks of our consumption rate.

However, since tin tomatoes do not come in large packs, it cannot meet the needs of large size market consumers like those used for weddings, restaurants, parties, hotel and this market is very huge in Nigeria.


Tomatoes milling plant could be operated on a small, medium or large scale depending on the availability of the raw material and the investor’s financial capability.


The major raw material needed in tomatoes and it can be sourced mainly from the northern part of the country in the following states Sokoto, Gombe, Yobe, Kano, Kaduna ,Benue e.t.c.

For large scale p

Make Huge Returns From Oil Palm Plantation Investment

The Oil Palm tree is one of the greatest economic assets a state or nation has, provided its importance is realized and potentials fully harnessed. Oil Palm products include Palm Oil, Palm Kernel Oil and Palm Kernel Cake. These can further be processed into RBD OLEIN (Cooking Oil), Vegetable Ghee, Shortenings, Margarine, CBS. CBE, Ice Cream, Dough, Creaming, Coating, and other specialty fats. Some other by-products of the Oil Palm include Palm wine, fatty alcohols as well as intermediates.

Nature so made it that all aspects of the Oil palm tree is useful and economically viable.” Oils" is a collective term for more or less viscous, generally organic-chemical liquids. Depending on their chemical composition, a distinction may be drawn between fatty, essential, mineral and silicone oils. Fatty oils include liquid, semisolid and solid products of vegetable and animal origin. They are also known as sweet oils. Palm kernel oil is a white to yellowish oil of vegetable origin which is solid at normal temperatures and is obtained from the kernels of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). It is one of the best oils.

Palm kernel oil is different from palm oil, which is obtained from the flesh of the fruit. Three {3} products namely palm kernel oil, palm kernel cake and palm kernel shell {crushed} which is used as a biofuel can be gotten from palm kernel nuts. Palm kernel oil is processed to yield edible fats, soaps and candles and is used in the confectionery, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

Palm Kernel Oil Specifications:
FFA (%) Max: 2.5
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max: 0.3
IV: 16-19Colour (5 1/4" Lovibond)
R: 3.4-4.5
Colour (5 1/4" Lovibond)
Y: 30-32

Vegetable oil is a product derived from oil bearing seeds and has both domestic and industrial uses. Domestically, it is used in homes and fast food centers as cooking oil while industrially, they are used in the production of soap, butter and margarine. The cake gotten as a bye-product is used in formulating livestock feeds especially for cattle, sheep and poultry.


The market for edible oil is national. With a population of over 140 million people and an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum ,an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five {5} years, Nigeria has a large market for edible oil. The demand is high but local supply low hence the need for importation in the past.

In 2005, in order to stimulate local production and attain self sufficiency in vegetable oil production, the government introduced the presidential initiative on the development if vegetable oil over a period not exceeding three {3} years. Under these initiative, attention was focused on the promotion of eleven scheduled oil seed crops which are oil palm,groundnut,soya beans, cotton etc and production target was set for each of the crops under the programme as follow

1. Oil Palm: 1 million hectares capacity of producing 15 million fresh fruit bunches
2. Groundnut: 15 million tones annually
3. Soya beans: 670,000 1 million tones per annum
4. Seed Cotton: 1 million tones over the plan period

After three {3} years of starting the initiative, the domestic edible oil demand for exceeds the national production. The short fall in supply being estimated at about 50,000 tones per year. From the above figures, it is clear that there is a large and sustainable market for vegetable oil in Nigeria.

Large expanse is land is also available for the cultivation of oil palm seedlings for interested investor and we can help secure already producing plantation for willing investors.

The rising cost of oil and other traditional source of energy coupled with the need to reduce the effects of global warming are intensifying the search for alternative clean fuel sources across the world.

Make Huge Profit Operating a Nylon and Plastic Recycling Plant

As at the time of writing these article, global warming { Climate Change} is a subject of global interest because of it’s consequences on the environment and man. Global warming is simply the rise in the temperature of the earth as a result of ozone layer depletion from the actions of chemicals and gas like Chlorofluorocarbon {CFC’S}which allows the entrance of sun rays and other dangerous elements into the atmosphere therefore increasing the temperature of the earth. These have great dangers to human’s and other living organism.

Global warming as important as it is is not the subject matter of these write-up but the twin benefits of arresting deforestation of our economic trees, reducing the rate of ozone layer depletion, reduce burying of waste which causes underground water pollution and reducing the over-stress of waste in the environment by investing in a nylon and plastic bag recycling plant.

Recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.

In the economic aspect, recycling makes a nation or individual to recover money otherwise lost through pollution, burning and burying of waste material. Nylon and plastic waste recycling will complement the international concern for environment and our government’s campaign against deforestation and ozone layer depletion which leads to climate change. It will reduce environmental pollution caused by sachet water pack littering the street, bus-stop and blocking our drainage.

Waste nylon and plastic are recycled into nylon bags and jumbo polythene sheets and the market for it is national, growing and sustainable. They are used in packing of flour, sugar and salt by the multinationals, as trailer cover, and by plastic industries as raw material. In the agricultural sector, they are used as shelter and bagging of seedlings, animal feeds and fertilizers.

The raw material for recycling include pure water sachet, broken plastics, empty bottle water which can be sourced from pure water producing companies,eateries, hotels etc. Collection bags can be placed in the areas identified and by special arrangement with the owners/management, instruction given to people to drop their plastic waste. The product for supply are typically washed, treated and dried before they are used to produce nylon bags and polythene sheets.

With a population of close to 18 million people, waste management is a top priority for the Lagos State Government. The current administration is urging the private sector to get involved in all areas of waste management. Lagos produces 9 000 tones of waste per day. With a population density of 4 193 people per km2 and a projected population of 25.4 million by 2015, issues related to waste loom large in any development strategy - and present a wide range of possibilities for the investment community. Same opportunity exists in other state of the federation.

The plant and machinery would be sourced locally and it is 1 ton per day capacity plant for the processing of nylon and plastic waste and the ideal location would be in any part of the country where the raw material can be sourced and where plastic industries are located. Such plastic industries are the major consumer of recycled nylon and plastic material. A plot of land or warehouse would be ideal for the factory.

With 12 hours of constant electricity supply, the machine can produce 300 /400 KG of polythene bags. During the peak period which is usually between February and April, 1 KG of polythene sells for N200 hence 300 KG would yield N6000 per day added to the income from the use of the extruder alone, one can earn N21,000 in one day.

The proposed recycling plant would take an estimated sum of N 4,000,000 as shown below

Pre-Investment N 200,000
Accommodation/Factory Building N1, 500,000
Plant and Machinery N 1,000,000
Motor Vehicle N800, 000
Working Capital N500, 000

Total N4, 000,000

From preliminary study the return on investment is between 10% - 15%.

Same opportunity also exist in the processing of waste paper and other waste products in Nigeria.
Should you require a business plan/feasibility study on the above subject matter, please do contact the writer.